Training programs designed for one person - YOU.

Do you want to feel strong?

How about empowered? Embodied? At home in your body and comfortable in your skin?

Everyone has their own starting point, and “fitness” means something different to each of us. We’ll work together to identify your personal fitness goals - your "why" - and map out a path to get you there. 

Here’s how we get there.

We’ll use a progressive, holistic, and customized approach to movement training that’s tailored to you and brings together movement, mindset, and nutrition. Like you, your journey will evolve, and so will your training plan. It’s your own personal, sustainable, fitness roadmap. 

My training approach includes Behavior Change Coaching which helps you identify the barriers and roadblocks that are getting in your way. We’ll assess your unique learning style and identify the strategies to implement change that work specifically for you. 

Your Nutrition Coaching will teach you how to eat mindfully in a way that's balanced and, most importantly, sustainable. Together, we'll strategize ways to help you make therapeutic lifestyle changes that last. 

Training Services

  • Training Plans

    Coming soon - please add your name to the email list to be notified when Inner Shift Fitness Training Plans become available!

  • Online 1:1 Personal Training

    Training program designed just for you, plus individual online training sessions. Limited availability. Please fill out the contact form to learn more.

  • Online Courses

    Coming soon! Topics include nutrition, core strength, pelvic floor health, the mind-body connection and exercise form.


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